Boss: Centipede
Big boss.
Located in Qianhong Cave, it is considered an early boss, relatively easy to deal with.
Phase 1
At the beginning of the boss battle, it will fly directly towards you (and will continue to do so later on), so it is recommended to roll directly behind it.
After dodging, there will be a short window for attacking, but be careful of its combo attacks.
If you dodge the flying attacks and end up near the boss’s head, it will do a triple smash sequence: head, head, back.
The wind-up is quite long, especially for the third back smash. After dodging, you can unleash 5 light staff hits.
With perfect dodging, you can even counter the back smash with the staff.
If you dodge the flying attacks and end up behind the boss, it will do a back slam.
From a distance, the centipede might spray venom forward, but you can easily dodge by moving sideways.
Even if you dodge it successfully, there’s not much benefit to it.
From a distance, the centipede may roll towards the player in a move called “dragon cart” (or bug cart, laugh), repeating 3 to 5 times.
You can intercept the centipede when it’s just starting the move, but once it accelerates, it’s best to avoid direct confrontation.
In the first phase, the centipede usually rolls 3 times before having a long window for attacking if the player hasn’t been hit by the third roll.
At a medium distance, the centipede will quickly charge forward twice, and note that the second charge will adjust direction and continue until it hits a wall.
You can consider initiating a staff attack during the centipede’s wind-up, and if the staff attack is strong enough, you can even consider a charged counterattack.
At close range, the centipede will suddenly lower itself and spray venom downward. Moving immediately can help you avoid it.
Phase 2
When the centipede’s health is down to about one-third, it will howl and summon dozens of rolling balls to strike the player.
You can consider using the staff to evade or counter the rolling balls.
In the second phase, if you miss the centipede during the third dragon cart attack, the boss won’t stop and will continue with 2 more attacks, giving you a window for attacking only after 5 attacks.